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#Cellulitesaturday: el nuevo reto que nos une en Instagram

¿Te animas?

¿Te animas?

Sabemos que más del 90% de las mujeres tiene celulitis, aunque hagamos de todo para ocultarlas.

Y es una condición cuya aparición depende de muchos factores y no solamente del exceso de peso.

Los genes, la alimentación, los cambios hormonales y hasta nuestro propio metabolismo están entre las causas de su presencia en nuestro cuerpo.

Así, para no olvidar que la piel de naranja es una cualidad de casi todos los cuerpos femeninos, una nueva tendencia parece apoderarse de Instagram.

Se trata de la publicación de fotografías en donde las usuarias de la red social muestran partes de sus cuerpos de manera natural, es decir, con celulitis y sin nada de Photoshop.

La tendencia, que se ha hecho popular desde hace varias semanas, se puede rastrear y seguir en Instagram a través de la consigna #cellulitesaturday, y para sorpresa de muchas ¡ya somos varias las que nos hemos animado a acabar con este tabú!

@plankingforpizza Looking GORGEOUS love! We in the #healthyatanysize community are rooting for you! XO #Repost @plankingforpizza with @repostapp ・・・ So today was an unsuccessful shopping day. Nothing fit. Terrible dressing room lighting made me feel lumpy and squishier than normal and the itty bitty shitty committee (as my therapist says) started creeping in. I might not be where I want to be, but I refuse to let a bad shopping experience lower my self esteem and worth because I know I've worked hard and continually fight everyday to be better than those demons. So how do you combat these negative thoughts? You put on an outfit you know you can rock the hell out of and you just embrace yourself as you are in this moment and love yourself any way. And tell that committee not today demons, not today ✋? Because your worth and value and meaning to society is not determined by the texture and look of your thighs or tummy. Jumping in on the #cellulitesaturday trend because I refuse to let something as common and as silly as cellulite make me feel less of myself. I refuse to let a size or terrible fit of pants make me think I haven't been trying hard enough or that I'm still where I started. You are so much more than what you look like or what pant size you are. Love yourself today, as you are, and compliment the heck out of your efforts and determination that you're on a journey to becoming you best self. Pat yourself on the back babes, you're doing a great job. Never let something like cellulite or muffin top or a bad shopping experience make you feel less of yourself. Those things do not define you unless you let them. Be better than those demons. Embrace the journey. Compliment your efforts and determination. Admire the positive things. And above all, love WHO you are today, who you become tomorrow, and always. Always know you're enough as you are today and you're worthy of being so much more than defined by your outward being. You are not a number or a size or a look ?? You are intelligent and loving and strong and so much more. You're beautifully YOU ??

A photo posted by HealthyAtAnySizeDaily (@healthyatanysizedaily) on

El objetivo es mostrar las imperfecciones y ser más conscientes de que muchos de los estereotipos impuestos por la industria de la moda y los medios de comunicación no se ven reflejados en la realidad.

Here's me & my cellulite again here to tell you YOU ARE A TOTAL FUCKING BABE! When was the last time you REALLY saw your own body? How often do you intentionally not look at yourself naked? Or in your underwear? I challenge you today to strip down & stare at yourself in the mirror. Find the things on your body that you easily find beautiful. I love my tattoos, eyes, hair & belly button. Next, try to make peace with the pieces of yourself you have been conditioned to hate. Recognize how much those parts of you do for you. My tummy keeps me full & is the center of balance from which every movement I make stems from. Tell those parts of you "thank you." Maybe work up to "I appreciate you." Maybe even "I love you." I promise that as soon as you learn to let go of the hate you have towards your body, you will create so much more room in your life to be YOU, because you are not your body. Take up so much fucking space & NEVER apologize for doing it. Happy #cellulitesaturday! Love y'all. ❤️❤️❤️ #cellulite #bodypositive #bopo #everybodyisbeatiful #selflove #loveyourself #embracethesquish

A photo posted by Amy Washburn?? (@thewashburnstory) on

La iniciativa surgió en Canadá, de la mano de la actriz y escritora Kenzie Brenna, de 26 años, que aunque se alimenta bien y hace ejercicio físico, según sus propias palabras, quería mostrar que su cuerpo no es para nada perfecto.

This just goes to show you how lighting can play a role into how we see ourselves!! Obviously, my legs look way smoother here than they did last week when I did a #cellulitesaturday post. But nothing on my body has changed. I just took pictures in a different light. ?nothing ? has ? changed ? Don't let your body image be rocked by one photo, by one moment of "thinking you look like shit." 1. Cause you aren't shit. 2. Anyone who stands in front of "good lighting" can take a hot af photo. But this isn't a crutch for me, I won't continue to be scared of a certain amount of light vs another. Das boshit. And also try to tell me I can't wear pigtails and walk around my place without pants in my new @supremenewyork shirt. Fuggin' try me ??? #bethelight #endbodyshame #bodyimagewarrior

A photo posted by Kenzie Brenna (@omgkenzieee) on

En el texto que acompaña sus imágenes, Kenzie también ha dejado claro que ha usado todo tipo de tratamientos para deshacerse de la celulitis y que la eficacia sólo ha sido temporal.

YOOOO! I did a FULL push up today!! ACTUALLY I DID 9 of them. Ummmmmmmmm. I've been working on those babies for a full year and have only been able to do them now. ??? I personally believe that you should exercise or move to whatever feels SO good for your body. ??‍?? I personally love pull ups, push ups and deadlifts, so I tend to favour them in my time with my dedicated movement. ?️‍♀️?‍♀️ But I also love dance (omg like a bit too much, I can really pop it if u kno what I mean), yoga, Pilates and sprints! Those are my go to when I wanna feel good ? The body that you have does NOT need to look any other way to exercise the way you wanna exercise and move the way you wanna/can move. (Anyone who has something that may be physically limiting them from exercising or moving please go and see my friend Michelle's page @mindsetforlifeltd, she has spoken about being a spoonie and trying to still be a badass in the gym.) Really appreciating my body lately and just feelin' really down to share that stuff with you all. #thisiswhatfitlookslike #selflovejourney #girlsthatlift #loveandpeace #embraceyourself #selfconfidence

A photo posted by Kenzie Brenna (@omgkenzieee) on

De esta manera, la red social se llenando de imágenes de cuerpos reales en bikinis, shorts o en ropa interior, y que parecen unirse en una sola consigna que se resume en «tengo celulitis. No soy menos linda con ella, no soy más valorable sin ella».

*I promise this post has a purpose other than showing you my bum* So this incredibly inspiring girl that I follow, @omgkenzieee has started a movement called #cellulitesaturday and I think that it is SO important! . Guess what dudes, I have cellulite?? Yes, me. The girl that works out 6x a week, lifts heavy, does cardio, does plyometrics, eats a well balanced and healthy diet HAS CELLULITE! And if you're a woman and you're reading this, you probably have it too because cellulite affects 90% of women. NINETY! But here's another thing, IT IS NOT AN INDICATOR OF YOUR HEALTH OR FITNESS LEVEL! Cellulite is GENETIC. Cellulite is the APPEARANCE of fat cells (which we all have). It's literally just the way your skin lays over your subcutaneous fat tissue (the fat right under the surface of your skin). So YES, cellulite is NORMAL and it is OKAY TO HAVE! It does not mean you're fat. It does not mean you're unhealthy. And you DO NOT "need" to get rid of it. The "issue" with cellulite is not a health and fitness issue; it's a COSMETIC issue. We have been wired to think this stuff is bad but in reality, it's just as normal as having freckles or brown hair. I realize that mine might not be as noticeable as some people's; but it's there and it affects me. Do I love this part of my body yet? No, not at all. The backs of my legs are probably my LEAST favorite part of my body. But I'm working towards accepting it, and I hope you are too because guess what, ITS NORMAL! Happy Saturday beauties? #idontwantyourcellulitecream #effyourbeautystandards

A photo posted by ??Marissa Herbstler (@marissaherbstler) on

La tendencia parece seguir arrastrando seguidoras, pero lo que es mejor promete en convertirse en un movimiento «body positive» que ¡sin duda! queremos que siga triunfando en el mundo.

¡Cuéntanos qué te parecen las fotografías ¿te sumarías?!