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2 ejercicios para lograr glúteos redonditos (mientras ves Netflix)

¡Sí se puede!

¡Sí se puede!

No hace falta que renuncies a las cosas que te gusten para conseguir otras que deseas.

Por ejemplo, si lo tuyo es llegar a casa temprano (después de la oficina) y relajarte; pero también cuidarte y procurar ser cada día mejor…

¡Te tenemos un buen plan!

Se trata de un rutina de ejercicios que puedes hacer mientras ves Netflix, y que te permitirán conseguir unos glúteos endurecidos y una piernas más fortalecidas. Esto, sin contar, que también estarás quemando algunas calorías.

¡Checa y comienza a practicar esta noche!

Si te interesó esta nota, te recomendamos leer:

12 motivos por los que debes decirle adiós (¡no es el amor de tu vida!)

12 tips para reducir la grasa del abdomen en un 2×3

1. Ejercicio número 1.

– Acostada boca arriba, con las plantas de los pies apoyada en la esterilla, debes levantar la pelvis.

– Después debes dar pasos hacia adelante, apoyando los talones y hasta que consigas tener las piernas estiradas casi del todo.

– Finalmente, sostén esta postura por 10 segundos.

– Luego, con la misma posición, da los pasos hacia atrás y hasta alcanzar la postura inicial.


– Descansa la pelvis.

Lo ideal será hacer una dos series de 5 y 8 repeticiones.

Mira el video para despejar dudas sobre el movimiento.

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Hitting the beach this weekend? Walk it out, march it out, hit those glutes and hamstrings while you lay out? . TWO do anywhere glute bridge options?#smotd ?Glute Bridge Hamstring Walkout ⚠️harder than it appears • Extend your hips and engage your glutes and hamstrings (posterior chain) to glute bridge position • take small alternating steps with weight on heels until legs are nearly extended • pause and feel the goodness in your hamstrings and glutes (I shortened the pause for @instagram ) then return the same way to your start position • release the bridge then repeat, aim for 5-8 reps ?Marching Glute Bridge • again drive your hips to a glute bridge position (not a hyper-extended low back position) • maintaining stability in your hips, alternate marching your knee toward your chest with control (core stabilization and strength) • aim for 12 reps alternating . . . #thestokedmethod #stoked #strength #glutes #hamstrings #core #abs #workforit #goals #challenge #fitspo #fitpro #beach #instafit #instagood #girlswithmuscle #doyou #ldw #goldenhour

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2. Ejercicios 2.

– Debes comenzar con la misma posición del ejercicio anterior.

– Luego debes llevar tu rodilla hacia el pecho y mantener el equilibrio.

– Este ejercicio también es ideal para fortalecer abdomen.

Lo ideal es hacer 12 repeticiones e ir alternando piernas.

Si te entusiasma la idea, te queremos compartir otras rutinas complementarias:

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A bit of a brain buster and lots of bang for your buck…or muscle for your hustle??? with this compound #smotd ?I’m all about minding your muscle while performing movement and this press/curl/lunge combination simply cannot be done without being fully connected, mind and body – more reason to love it. ?be sure to keep your core strong throughout. Take a moment in the lunge to feel connected, core, shoulder, bicep, lower body – glute/quad (weight predominantly on the heel of the front foot). ?choose weight that’s challenging but doable (full disclosure, this was not heavy enough but it’s what I had handy at the time…12-15lbs would be ??for me) for 12 reps (each leg), 3 sets. . . . #thestokedmethod #stoked #strength #compoundmovement #legs #abs #core #workforit #goals #challenge #fitspo #instafit #motivation #girlswithmuscle #fitpro #workoutwednesday #humpday

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Give your lower body some major lovin’ with this compound move which includes a unique “stutter step” lunge and single leg bodyweight deadlift #smotd ?isometric holds are no joke and increase the time under tension for your muscles (in turn building strength) as well as work on stability. I put a spin on a traditional (reverse) lunge isometric hold by adding a controlled 3 count, 3 rep “stutter step”. The burn is REAL during this one (and technically it’s no longer a strict isometric hold in the lunge as there is movement of my back leg but the contraction of the muscles of the working leg remains as INTENSE as a strict isometric hold). •stay low in your lunge the entire sequence, weight predominantly on the heal of the front foot [works quad, glute, hamstring, core] •core strong throughout ?squeeze the glute as you transition to a standing balance to hinge into a single leg deadlift •your leg should lift at the same rate that you hinge (like a seesaw) •keep the knee of the anchored leg soft (slightly bent) •squeeze the glute as you return to standing [works hamstring, glute, core] •core strong throughout ?aim for 8-10 reps per leg, 3-4 sets . . . . #thestokedmethod #stoked #stokedfit #glutes #quads #hamstrings #core #abs #workforit #goals #challenge #bodyweight #girlswithmuscle #fitspo #inspiration #instafit

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