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Actores que no son precisamente guapos pero nos encantan

Tienen un no sé qué, que qué sé yo...

Guapos a su manera

Porque la galanura es tan relativa como el tiempo, estos famosos nos demuestran que pueden ser bastante atractivos sin tener el físico de David Beckham o Zack Efron.

Que empiece el desfile de los actores que no son precisamente guapos pero nos encantan:

Jeff Goldblum
Su personalidad y impacta a más de diez.

Mark Ruffalo
No, no estamos diciendo que Mark es feo porque nos parece muy atractivo.

Gérard Depardieu
La perfección no existe pero la química, sí.

Gerard depardieu #sinema #oyuncu #gerarddepardieu

Una foto publicada por Ercan Arslan (@ercanportreler) el

Joaquin Phoenix
Aunque su imagen ha cambio drásticamente por los personajes que interpreta, su mirada tiene algo.

"Without fail, if I ever go into a scene and say, ‘I’ve fu****g got it,’ then it’s the worst thing in the world. I want to go into the courtroom and feel like I might lose the case. I want it to be scary—and it still is. It’s good sometimes to not be welcomed. If everyone said, ‘Welcome,’ ‘Welcome,’ it might not be dangerous. What I want most is to challenge myself—and I’m lazier than anybody. Wouldn’t you like to just get in the water and float for a very long time? I would. But that’s no good. You have to force yourself to battle, to not float. I think the only way I really get it is by feeling that there's no real control and that there's a certain amount of danger. Otherwise, when I go through a scene over and over, I start going through dialogue, and then I start putting inflections on things and going, like, "Oh, what if I did this?" And it becomes fu****g smarty pants thinking he's being clever by doing some shit. But I don't like that actor; I don't like that in myself. I can see that, "You're just making a face and trying to say that you're angry right now and you're shoving that across the fucking screen." It's embarrassing. Part of why I was frustrated with acting was because I took it so seriously. I want it to be so good that I get in my own way. It’s like love: when you fall in love, you’re not yourself anymore. You lose control of being natural and showing the beautiful parts of yourself, and all somebody recognises is this total desperation. And that’s very unattractive. I just want to be open and receptive to what's happening in the moment, and I don't want to force anything. Dishonesty is so ugly on film. You just act, and it's so ugly, and I don't want to do that. Once I became a total buffoon, it was so liberating. I’d see child actors and I’d get so jealous, because they’re just completely wide open. If you could convince them that something frightening was going to happen, they would actually feel terror. I wanted to feel that so badly. I’d just been acting too long, and it had kind of been ruined for me. I wanted to put myself in a situation that would feel brand-new and hopefully inspire a new way of approaching acting."- #JoaquinPhoenix


Una foto publicada por The Actor's Station (@theactorsstation) el

Christopher Walken
El carisma de este actor sobrepasa la pantalla.

Christopher walken #christopherwalken #actor #photography #movies #film

Una foto publicada por love of film through photos (@cinemaappeal) el

Adrien Brody
Tiene un no sé qué, que qué sé yo…

Forest Whitaker
¿Será la nobleza de su personalidad? o ¿su fuerza ante la cámara? No sabemos pero nos encanta.

Jack Black
Su simpatía nos hace quererlo tener cerca, es el tipo de hombre que te haría reír en toda la cita.

Owen Wilson
No tiene la nariz perfecta de su hermano, pero tampoco le hace falta.

"It’s not enough just to be real; you have to try to make it interesting or entertaining. I remember hearing a good story about Jack Nicholson working with Stanley Kubrick on The Shining. Nicholson was saying that, as an actor, you always want to try to make things real. And believable. When he was working with Kubrick, he finished a take and said, ‘I feel like that was real.’ And Kubrick said, ‘Yes, it’s real, but it’s not interesting.’ It’s not enough just to be real; you have to try to make it interesting or entertaining. It just depends on how people react to you or if people want to hire you. Maybe that’s why there’s an insecurity sometimes in acting, because it’s not like there’s a correlation between hard work and how people receive you. Film is definitely a director's medium. They're responsible for the look and everything, and you're a part of that process as an actor, and you try to contribute to the story. Acting is fun – more fun than writing, the instant feedback. It's not sitting alone in a room trying to write something, because that's a long process – it can take a year to write something, a year of struggling and trying to keep your confidence up, not knowing if it's going to amount to anything. With acting it's right there, you're around people, it's more sociable. I'm able to do both, it's worked out nicely. I think people are realising how hard it is to break into the movies, and that if you want to do something, you have to do it on your own – when you're an actor, your destiny's kind of in the hands of a lot of other people, but when you're writing, you have the chance to control an idea more. But I think it might sound a little pretentious for me to say I think of myself as an artist. I think of myself as a creative person."- #OwenWilson

Una foto publicada por The Actor's Station (@theactorsstation) el

Javier Bardem
Su sonrisa puede ser el motivo de aparecer en esta lista.

Javier Bardem. #javierbardem

Una foto publicada por Filmaffinity (@filmaffinity) el

Steve Buscemi
De esos actores inolvidables que puedes no recordar su nombre pero sí sus películas

Afternoon ladies and gentlemen ———————————————— #spicymemes #dankmemes #cancermemes #papafranku #bushdid911 #stevebuscemi #jesus #god #memes #eataburger

Una publicación compartida de allheilstevebuscemi (@samepicofstevebuscemievryday) el

Hugh Laurie
Quizá su potencia actoral y su barba, nos dejen conectadas con su participación.

Thanks for commenting your favorite episode! I will make edits of the top three episodes 🙂

Una foto publicada por House M.D. (@housemdofficial) el

Keanu Reeves
Puede ser que su historia personal y modesta historia de vida nos hayan conquistado.

Xoxo?❤? #theactor #keanureeves

Una foto publicada por Era Madrigal (@era_madrigal) el

Esperamos que estés de acuerdo con nosotros y si crees que nos faltó alguno, no dudes en decirnos, mientras más larga esté esta lista, nosotras felices.
